Adding a secondary fluentd to Openshift Logging as a syslog receiver

OpenShift comes with loads of handy operators managing various Kubernetes resources for you, some open source, some not. OpenShift Logging is the wrapper for an EFK stack running on your cluster. Like with other operators you don’t create your own daemonsets or deployments, instead you configure it with a CustomResource called ClusterLogging.

So if you’re thinking of using this Fluentd for anything other than logs from this cluster, you’re pretty much out of luck.

Note: You can set everything to Unmanaged and change the configs, but that’s not sustainable as you’re basically disabling any operator actions. Also editing what’s supposed to be an indented file represented as one long string is no fun.

You can however piggyback on the resources deployed by the operator by adding a secondary Fluentd in the same namespace with some modifications. We’ll create a Fluentd that acts as a syslog receiver, though you could in theory add any input you like, see the list of Fluentd input plugins. And we’ll re-use the ElasticSearch and Kibana pods to visualize those logs.

Secondary Fluentd

Assuming the logging operator is installed and one instance of the EFK pods is up and running:

Let’s start with a ConfigMap, where we add the Fluentd config file receiving logs on (the pods) port 5140, and sending everything as is to the local ElasticSearch. The exact paths might vary, but can be taken from the primary Fluentd daemonset.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: fluentd-config
  namespace: openshift-logging
  fluent.conf: |-
    #syslog plugin
      @type udp
      port 5140
        @type none
      tag system
    <match **>
      @type copy
        @type elasticsearch
        host elasticsearch.openshift-logging.svc
        port 9200
        logstash_format true
        scheme https
        ssl_version TLSv1_2
        client_key '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/fluentd/tls.key'
        client_cert '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/fluentd/tls.crt'
        ca_file '/var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/fluentd/ca-bundle.crt'

There is a syslog input plugin as well, but that might need specific settings depending on the syslog message format. After the config, we can create our deployment (a daemonset might be more useful for you).

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: fluentd-syslog
  name: fluentd-syslog
  namespace: openshift-logging
  replicas: 1
      app: fluentd-syslog
        app: fluentd-syslog
      - image:
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: fluentd
        - name: FLUENTD_ARGS
          value: --no-supervisor
        - containerPort: 24224
          name: forward
          protocol: TCP
        - containerPort: 5140
          name: syslog
          protocol: TCP
        - name: varlog
          mountPath: /var/log
          readOnly: false
        - name: config
          mountPath: /etc/fluent/config.d
        - mountPath: /var/run/ocp-collector/secrets/fluentd
          name: fluentd
          readOnly: true
        - mountPath: /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/
          name: fluentd-trusted-ca-bundle
          readOnly: true
      - name: varlog
        emptydir: {}
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          name: fluentd-config
        name: config
      - name: fluentd
          defaultMode: 420
          secretName: fluentd
      - configMap:
          defaultMode: 420
          - key: ca-bundle.crt
            path: tls-ca-bundle.pem
          name: fluentd-trusted-ca-bundle
        name: fluentd-trusted-ca-bundle

The only differences between this an a generic deployment are the additional mounted volumes for the certificates as well as an image that already contains the ElasticSearch plugin.

You can build your own image as well, see the README of the original Fluentd image for instructions.

After creating the deployment we only need to expose the port from inside the pod to the outside world. If you have a loadbalancer or ingress, use that. Otherwise a Nodeport works just as well.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: fluentd-syslog
  namespace: openshift-logging
    app: fluentd-syslog
  type: NodePort
  - port: 5140
    targetPort: 5140
    nodePort: 30514
    protocol: UDP
    app: fluentd-syslog

This service exposed the deployment on the nodes port 30514.


Now you can test the deployment by sending a message yourself, for example

nc -w0 -u <Node IP> 30514 <<< "FAKE SYSLOG MESSAGE"

After a few seconds the log should show up inside your Kibana.